
Generation Jones has been discussed on hundreds of U.S. national, and international, TV and radio shows.
This section has a few examples of GenJones on TV shows.
  • NBC

    Pulitzer Prize winner Clarence Page discusses GenJones on “The Chris Mathews Show”

  • BBC

    GenJones humor on BBC’s (the highest rated UK night chat show, comparable to “The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon”)

  • NBC

    Actress Rita Wilson speaks with Ann Curry on “The Today Show” about GenJonesers

  • CNN

    CNN panel discussion about Barack Obama’s identity as part of Generation Jones


    Commentator Peter Fenn discusses the role of advertising on GenJonesers

  • CBS

    Marketing Guru Jim Welch (longtime head of marketing for Hallmark Cards) discusses why GenJones has become such a hot marketing demographic

  • CNN

    Commentator Jonathan Pontell discusses GenJones voters

  • ABC

    Lisa Orrell talks about the phenomenon of middle-aged (mostly GenX & GenJones) “boomerangers”